Carbon Offset – Important Ingredient to a Net-Zero strategy

No company can reach a Net-Zero commitment without Carbon Offset. Zero is the hero when it comes to carbon offset. Every business will have to pay for the right to release GHG emissions in the coming future. If, as an organization, you are not working on your offset strategy, you will enter the game with a handicap, and there are no special privileges that you will get for the same.
This article is a guidance on how to evolve the organisations carbon offset strategy.

Get Serious on “Grand Talk”

The “Blah, Blah, Blah” term should start reverberating inside the board rooms as a reminder to stop indulging in greenwashing and put forth constructive efforts to combat climate change.

Now the risk scenarios need to be put on the board table; it is time business understands the serious risk they are facing. If they do not see the risks, they will be blind to the opportunity also.  

Time for India to be ready with quality Carbon CREDs

The thought of writing on this topic came to me because of the couple of calls that I received last week.  One call was from someone in the treasury section, who informed me that bankers were asking to convert deposits to “Green” deposits and the question was whether the bank would give them carbon credits for… Continue reading Time for India to be ready with quality Carbon CREDs